True North

Life can be disorienting. Thankfully we have directions to allow us to travel with confidence.

Below I aim to address a few points where we may get lost or stuck along the way. By Allowing God to lead us through this life with His Word, I believe we are able to navigate our way out of these pits and valleys; or better yet, avoid them all together!

What's the Point?.  

Perhaps the same questioned has been asked in many other ways in various contexts. It might sound like, "What is the purpose of my life?" or "What is the meaning of all of this?" or "Is there a reason I am alive?". Whatever way we ask it, we are simply looking for the point of it all. In the little things and the big things, in the good times and the bad times, we were created to worship God. It has been well said that the chief end of man is to glorify God. In short, we were made to worship. More specifically, we were made to worship the one true God, the Creator of heaven and earth. He is the reason for our existence and is therefore the focus of our lives. Everything hinges back to our relationship with our creator and how we recognize Him for who He is. That then opens up (or should open up) a whole stream of questions that set us on a quest to know God and how we can appropriately respond to Him. This is the point.

More to come... stay tuned

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